24 July 2015

Pre-GenCon Thoughts, Ahem.

Pre-GenCon thoughts:

Business is hard*. It's tough. I kind of, sort of, knew that, and I kind of, sort of, ignored that I guess, when my design partner and I set off on this journey to create games together. If, at any point, I thought that designing games was tough, the business side of things has been exponentially tougher. And I'm not even really referring to the incorporation papers and the taxes and the actual business stuff. (Which.... bleah....)

I mean the business of games.

Self-publish or pitch?
Kickstarter or no?
Fulfillment versus distributor?
Hello... Distributors?
A maintained website?
Forums with moderators?
Sticking to a regular meeting schedule?
Do a podcast or guest on others?

And I think about us in the nature of playing the game of "Tabletop Game Business". I wouldn't say we've lost. But the Distributor boss-level kicked our butts, and the Too Much Inventory Self-Publishing opening-gambit still stings a little. Both Partners Working Weekends was really a dumb luck top-deck by our opposition, and Hey, Wait A Minute I've Got A New Idea penalties have bogged down our offense. The board state is not in our favor. The clock is ticking.

But all is not lost. No scooping. No "GG"ing. No conceding, here. We play on.

We are re-thinking the way we "do business". We are still in the midst of fighting through some of those issues I mentioned previously. We don't agree on some things and we are working-through working-through things. (Which is new for us on the business side, happens ALL THE TIME on the design side.) Its a process that won't happen overnight and we know that.

If you know us, or have met us at previous GenCon's, or via contests or podcasts, then I think you'll know that we are passionate, literate, and creative and can bring that to the table where games are concerned.**

If you, in any of the facets of your game-business needs, as a publisher or fellow creator of games would be interested in us, our services, or would accept submissions from us, or have assignments to farm out to us; we would love to bend your ear for five or ten minutes at ANY convenient point during this massive and time-hectic convention. Either during the exhibit hall day at our booth (1353) or yours, or in the evening time away from the convention center hustle and bustle. We are at your service.

This represents quite a change for us, as we have always seen ourselves and our future as staunch self-publishing renegades in the gaming world. And maybe at some point we'll see ourselves back to that. But in the meantime, we have a lot to learn and some humble pie to consume as we reach out to competent and successful industry folks*** and look at a new phase of Sparks Games.

We can be reached at @Sparks_Games on Twitter (happy to follow back for DM's) and at 573-268-5596 via phone or text to set up a meeting at any point. Thanks.

* Understatement of the EVER. Duh. 
**Modest, as well. 
***Flattery, shameless flattery. 

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